As a little girl, I was never into the “princess” thing. I never dressed up like a princess, I never dreamed of a white knight coming to rescue me and my favorite movies did not involve Cinderella, Snow White or Aurora. So when I asked my brother what my niece wanted for her 2nd birthday, …
Tag: respect
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Looking Back From University To High School: A GRG Graduate Shares A Few Thoughts About Becoming An Adult
As I approach university graduation, I can see how much I’ve grown towards maturity. Stepping cautiously into adulthood, I can see a huge change in me in the past four years, the combined effect of time away from home, more freedom as an adult, learning to manage my time, and so many experiences with interesting …
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Respect Stories
We are always excited when GRG members, teachers and parents share their respect stories with us. Whether it’s about how you showed respect for others or yourself or how GRG has affected you or someone you know, we want to hear about it! Here are a few of the great stories we have received: “Girls’ …
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Respect: Crucial Foundation for Girls (& Boys)
On July 5, 2011, Lorna Blumen will be presenting a workshop to the Toronto District School Board on girls’ respect. Respect drives all our important life decisions – how we approach school, work, friendships and romance. Girls’ self-respect is under attack from all sides today – mean girl frenemies, unattainable media images, disrespect from adults …
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