Tag: friendship
We hoped you enjoyed our 12 tips to maximize friendships & minimize friendship drama. To download all of the tips in a handy info sheet, sign up for our mailing list (via the sidebar of our blog). In addition to the tip sheet, you will also get access to free resources that will help you …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.girlsrespectgroups.com/tip-infosheet-download/
12 Tips to Maximize Friendships & Minimize Friendship Drama Apologize We all make mistakes. When you do, take responsibility and apologize, whether the hurt was intentional or accidental. “I’m so sorry. That came out all wrong.” “I shared your private info with Deeana and then she passed it on. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.girlsrespectgroups.com/start-school-year-right-mean-girls-tip-12/
12 Tips to Maximize Friendships & Minimize Friendship Drama Control Your Stress Accept your strengths and weaknesses. When you make a mistake or don’t do as well as you know you could have, take it in stride. “I’m a kid who failed a test, not a failure.” Accept responsibility for not studying as much …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.girlsrespectgroups.com/no-more-mean-girls-tip-11/
12 Tips to Maximize Friendships & Minimize Friendship Drama Speak Up When You See Bullying Or Mean Treatment Be an upstander, not a bystander. ************* Join Us Daily on GirlsRespectGroups.com and Facebook.com/GirlsRespectGroups For Tips To Maximize Friendships & Minimize Friendship Drama
Permanent link to this article: https://www.girlsrespectgroups.com/no-more-mean-girls-tip-10/
12 Tips to Maximize Friendships & Minimize Friendship Drama Improve Your Conflict Skills Practice self-control during disagreements: stick to the current issue, no name-calling, yelling, or threats. Take responsibility for your mistakes, create a solution agreeable to both parties, learn to give and accept an apology, release a grudge and move on. Keep the conflict between the …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.girlsrespectgroups.com/no-more-mean-girls-tip-9/