Category: Girls In The News

Suicide Setup: Teens, Alcohol, Sex & Social Media

Rolling Stone Magazine’s recent article on the suicide of 15-yr-old Audrie Pott (“Sexting, Shame, and Suicide,” Sept 17, 2013) is (or should be) sobering. The mix of alcohol, hormones and social media can give you a hangover that lasts a lifetime. Some don’t survive. This year alone, the body count is too high: Audrie Pott, …

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What Your Hemline Says About You

“Judgement” a starkly eloquent photo taken by first year university student (Rosea Lake, Capilano University in Vancouver) has received worldwide attention recently. In the wake of several shocking and internationally condemned acts of violence against women, it makes us pause and reconsider the built-in biases we all have. In a perfect world, you shouldn’t be judged …

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Lessons We MUST Learn From Amanda Todd

Amanda Todd

15-year-old Amanda Todd from Coquitlam, British Columbia killed herself this week, after several years of terror at the hands of a cyberbully/cyberstalker and merciless, cruel-hearted peer taunting and physical violence at several schools. Now we’re “outraged” as an article in the Toronto Star says:–b-c-victim-of-cyber-bullying-commits-suicide Where was our outrage while this was happening? Why weren’t …

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G(irls) 20 Summit

G(irls) 20 Summit - France

In October, 2011, the second-annual G(irls) 20 Summit to address women’s issues was held in Paris, France. The G(irls)20 Summit brings together one delegate from each G20 country, plus a representative from the chair country of the African Union. The delegates debate, discuss and design innovative ideas necessary to empower girls and women globally. While …

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Girls Gone Viral: Online Fame From Shopping

Have you heard about haul videos? These videos show teen girls vlogging (ooh-ing & aah-ing) over their purchases (hauls) at local malls. The video highlights a new trend in marketing and advertising there are over 1,000,000 million hours of ads posted online as a result of haul videos. Girls are even getting paid sponsorships from …

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