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12 Tips to Maximize Friendships & Minimize Friendship Drama Choose Good Friends & Be A Good Friend Pick friends and romantic partners who treat themselves and you with respect. Choose friends who have qualities you admire. Choose friendship, not drama. Have your friend’s back, stand up for her (or him) when she’s not there. …
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12 Tips to Maximize Friendships & Minimize Friendship Drama Speak To Other Girls & Women With Respect If we call one another “bitches,” even kidding around, we are setting a low standard for how we treat one another. We are also teaching men to think of and treat women with a lack of …
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12 Tips to Maximize Friendships & Minimize Friendship Drama Show Respect For Others Treat everyone with respect, at all times, in person and online, especially during conflicts. It’s easy to treat someone respectfully when they’re on your good side – the challenge is to keep your self-control when they’re pushing all your buttons! …
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September can be a roller coaster for middle and high school girls. You’re looking forward to seeing friends you haven’t seen all summer, even if it means getting up waaay too early and having homework! At the same time, there can be real stress about those friendships, especially in the frenemy-filled preteen and teen years. …
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We recently caught up with Jen Unbe, who wrote the song Bully (link below). We love her talents and energy, and her deep compassion. We want to introduce her to you as an example of someone whose creative drive has helped her keep pushing to grow, while her empathy and compassion keep her connected to …
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